
keskiviikko, lokakuu 22

You may have noticed

that there are no longer posts here. This is because while I still support Blogger, I prefer to be able to keep some of my posts private on occasion. Thus I have submitted to another power, and my journal, absent for a year, is now available in a new form here, at adenine.livejournal.com.

Also, please check out my new domain, wuduwasa.com. :)


torstai, syyskuu 26
Meeting people is easy

Okay, so the complete story of my last two weeks.

The Y-hike was really fun. I left for it on September 13, stayed for two days in my room at Caltech (in Lloyd house)

torstai, syyskuu 12
Last rituals

I am leaving home tomorrow morning at 5:00am. Today was my last day here, and I did my best to enjoy it...nothing special, other than a mad rush to finish packing. My room is much cleaner than before; I took most of my old gross clothes out of my dresser, although the surface of it still leaves much to be desired. My lamp is gone, as is the geologic wasteland on my chair. I have eight boxes full of my crap that I'm taking with me, as well as my backpack for the hike and a suitcase of clothes.

This should be interesting.

tiistai, syyskuu 3
I should write again

I started learning to drive a few days ago, in the Lake Merced parking lot. And then I went again yesterday in the Presidio lot. It was definitely better the second time, because I wasn't so afraid of accelerating. I still don't think I could drive a stick shift, though, what with having to accelerate all the freaking time. This 'driving across the country next summer' thing is going to have to undergo some revision.

perjantai, elokuu 9

It's so hot outside I could melt.

80 degrees should not happen in San Francisco. I just thought I'd mention that.

What have I been up to lately, other than not writing? Well, I've been actually doing LA stuff on Elendor, planning events and all. This last month, we were inundated with newbies and also more activity. It was like...yay. And Gerthan was featured, finally, and supposedly we're going to get two more BFCs in the next two weeks and all is delightful because of that. I wish I didn't have to cut down my activity so much due to upcoming school.

Speaking of which, I have gotten in contact with my future classmates. They're mostly pretty cool...nerdy, but who didn't expect that?

tiistai, heinäkuu 30

sunnuntai, heinäkuu 28
Life on a chain

I actually had a decent day at work today...surprisingly. Mostly because I was busy the whole time, there were fewer staff on duty and less in my hair, and I wasn't completely exhausted by the end. And I didn't have to put up with Cookie and her general inanity. However, I'm still completely grateful that I missed the party last Friday, the one where I would have had to avoid a madly-puking Drea, who evidently can't hold her drink, as well as various other coworkers who I'd rather not see in that condition. If it weren't for most of them, I would have gone. I haven't met most of Dario's friends, and that would have given me some chance, but anyway.

maanantai, heinäkuu 22
Long time no update

So tired and inspired at 2:30 am, I've finally come to write something.

The last few weeks have been busy. I've finished up my metalworking class. ("Good work," was all Roger would say. He also directed me to one of his former students now teaching metal arts at Pasadena City College.) I've gone to work and heard the gossip about my coworkers, who all seem to be pairing up. (Cookie and Neal. Agh. But Mori and Nora are cute together, I must admit.)

So mostly what I've done has consisted of going out and staying home, in that order. After the July 4 weekend I went with Dario and Jonah to see Mr. Edelman who may or may not still be at Lowell next year. I tried to persuade him to stay; I hope he does. We explored the cliffs between Baker and China Beaches, did a bit of illegal walking-through-construction-zones, sat on the rocks and talked about how sociology is a BS subject, and ended up at a cafe on California St. where they have live music and excellent cake.

Then the next weekend, which is about all I can remember now, Dario and I went to Marin for the day. Had a nice "hike" through Muir Woods, gazing up at the redwoods, weaving our way through the tourists at whom we scoffed. And eventually we found our way back to the car via the "1st-Amendment Memorial Grove" and left for Muir Beach, which would have been more fun if we had remembered a towel or blanket. We ended up sitting on some plastic bags and eating cookies on the cliffside. A lovely view, really, but it could have been more comfortable. Finally we drove to the Mt. Tamalpais east peak and looked at more wonderful views of the city.

We discovered, later on, that Mill Valley is not known for its fine cuisine. And for good reason; they have two restaurants that are readily available, one fake Chinese food and the other overpriced Italian. So what is one to do? The answer was obvious: go to Sausalito. Which proved easier said than done, after we got lost figuring out how to get there from where we were. Ended up at Dario's Pizza (no kidding) on the outskirts of town where they had bizarre combinations of toppings, including pineapple-saurcraut. Finally we had our picture taken in front of the fountain downtown.

maanantai, heinäkuu 8

My trip to the Russian River for the 4th was better than I expected.

First of all, Brian was reasonably well-behaved toward me. He didn't have a crutch nor was he trying to kill me with it or any other hard object, which was definitely an improvement over last time I saw him. I guess he's more mature now. (Some people can age in six months, I suppose.)

And we didn't do the usual sit-in-Guerneville thing, either, because their fireworks were on the 6th. Instead we went to Monte Rio and watched of all things, the water parade and fireworks. The whole town was filled with cars when we got there, and there was no place to park except very far into the redwoods, so that's where we parked and then walked down to the river. The parade was kind of corny but fun. 10 floats- literally floating on the water, usually platforms strapped to canoes that held dancing people and lights, but there was one that just had a bunch of flags tied to it. And everything came complete with cheesy announcements by their 'celebrity judging panel.'

And then the next day, Michelle and Karin and I canoed from the dam below their house to Monte Rio, laughing at weird people going the other way and 'rapids' which made me steer us into a tree.

torstai, heinäkuu 4
We like to party

Busy 4th.

First of all, I hate working on holidays for which I'm supposed to get time and a half pay but don't. I had to spend the day around my stupid coworkers who still need to just...well....do something other than bother me. First of all, there's Cookie. Ah yes, my favorite coworker of all. She saw the sweatshurt I was wearing and said to me in a very accusing tone, "You know, I've been listening to Phantom Planet since like fourth grade." I care so deeply, Cookie. Just go back to whatever you're doing and leave me alone and don't do that stupid I've-been-listening-to-band-X-longer-than-you game because no one enjoys playing. It's just stupid. And then there's the fact that everyone hates Luisa for one reason or another. I don't hate her; sure, I'm pissed at her occasionally but in general I find that she's a very nice person. However, after work today I had to endure a 50-minute bus ride with Nora, Gigi, and Monty (they were all going to Bart, and I was going downtown) during which Nora complained that Luisa was being an Evil Bitch since she informed her of the "don't be too friendly" policy which evidently Nora is in violation of. She's from Georgia and tends to end all addresses to people with 'sugar' or 'honeypie' or something of the like. Luisa doesn't like this, so she said no, and now Nora feels like part of her is taken away....etc. (She's not allowed to end things with 'dude' or 'bra' either, says Luisa, just in case she ever wanted to.) So I think that's a little silly rule, but I don't want to take sides here.

Meanwhile, after work I went with Becca and Dario to see MIB 2 and we had planned to meet Andrea afterwards and go watch the fireworks from the Embarcadero. In the morning, though, I found out that they were going to be shot off from Fisherman's Wharf instread, and it was a long walk over there since we'd have to come back later for Dario's car. Instead we decided to drive and attempt to park within a mile of the wharf. Ha, silly me. We couldn't find parking that close, so we ended up parking back in the Exploratorium parking lot, walking to Chestnut for dinner, and then watching them from the Marina Green instead. It was cold but the show was pretty good. We watched silly policemen on bikes tell people no personal fireworks, huddled behind this van until the guy told us we were blocking his view, and other fun things.