
torstai, syyskuu 26
Meeting people is easy

Okay, so the complete story of my last two weeks.

The Y-hike was really fun. I left for it on September 13, stayed for two days in my room at Caltech (in Lloyd house)

torstai, syyskuu 12
Last rituals

I am leaving home tomorrow morning at 5:00am. Today was my last day here, and I did my best to enjoy it...nothing special, other than a mad rush to finish packing. My room is much cleaner than before; I took most of my old gross clothes out of my dresser, although the surface of it still leaves much to be desired. My lamp is gone, as is the geologic wasteland on my chair. I have eight boxes full of my crap that I'm taking with me, as well as my backpack for the hike and a suitcase of clothes.

This should be interesting.

tiistai, syyskuu 3
I should write again

I started learning to drive a few days ago, in the Lake Merced parking lot. And then I went again yesterday in the Presidio lot. It was definitely better the second time, because I wasn't so afraid of accelerating. I still don't think I could drive a stick shift, though, what with having to accelerate all the freaking time. This 'driving across the country next summer' thing is going to have to undergo some revision.