
sunnuntai, kesäkuu 30
Sysiphysian tasks

So since my mother's current question related to everything is 'Do you want to ________ or do you want to go to college??', and she's decided to redo the whole garden, today was my day to help her with that. Karin and Leci had been removing all the weeds last week, so then Dario and I moved rocks. Lots of rocks. Bags and bags of gravel, medium-sized pebbles, and small boulders. It was fun but a tad tiring, so we only did it for an hour or a little more before picking plums instead. I haven't done that in a few years, nor have I climbed into our aging tree fort of CNB or gone into the neighbors' yards. Everything looks so different than it did...several years ago. The major trees are the same, minus the north pine tree in my yard, but all the other vegetation is not.

So we got a bowl of plums, red and yellow, and then walked to Grandview Park (Turtle Hill, according to Stephanie and Kelsi.) Nice view of the city from there, our first daytime view. We could see Strawberry Hill, where we then went after dinner and the video store. I hadn't been to Stow Lake in a very long time and forgot about many things, like the pagoda on the island, which we determined could house the Council of Elrond, among other things. And so went our walk, with me often saying, "wow, I haven't been here in such a long time."

My whole family, though, needs to get ideas out of their heads. All of them. Especially Karin. If I hear the word 'bowling' one more time I will blow into tiny shreds.

Stay inside the lines

Seeing opened today [it's still Saturday in my mind] at the Explo. If you're in San Francisco, you should go see it. It's the first in-house show put together since...I don't remember. Bodies, I think. (Ah, the memories of that damn thing. Kicking out people who do nasty stuff in the dark areas, scanning through the comment cards, talking to the people manning the exits...so fun.) Anyway, it's old exhibits and then new ones and it's all about perception. Plus they have some odd fiber-art that looks like mummified canoes but it's cool.

I told Fernando and Reth that I wouldn't do the magic demo. It's not in my nature or job description to lie to visitors, and that's why I have a hard time doing the tricks. I can't tell someone with a straight face, "This is your card" when it's so obviously not, and I don't want to not tell them how it works at the end, so what's mostly performance does no justice to the trick. It's sort of a small issue, but after I tried to do it for a real audience instead of family/friends/coworkers once, I knew I couldn't do it again.

Cookie must die.

lauantai, kesäkuu 29
For my eyes only

I'm being academically shallow here.

I found out that my transcript up to fall of junior year is/was on display with the report I wrote at NASA last summer. I really could care less about people seeing the paper I wrote, as it's terribly boring and no one will get past page 2, but I think that my grades are private information that I don't want the whole world seeing. Frankly, I wouldn't care if people saw them or not, but this represents only part of me. I hear that someone was observing..."how the hell did she get into Caltech?" It's not as if I wasn't wondering the exact same thing when I received the envelope, but at least I didn't have a skewed vision of myself.

I didn't do very well as a sophomore. I could have done much better. Spring of that year was a low point in my high school career, and since then my grades have steadily risen. If only I could have done this well earlier on, perhaps I would feel better about myself. But yes, it's true, I only got on the honor roll twice and both those semesters were during my senior year. But let's not discount this fact; I was taking four AP classes, TAing, doing several after-school activities that took up a lot of time, working, and that's not even counting the time I spent commuting to and from Berkeley to get to class there. I worked very hard, probably too hard in my last year at Lowell and the work paid off. Evidently there's something to be said for this, because the colleges seemed to count it more than I expected.

Plus there's more to a college application than one's sophomore and junior grades, even though that's all that goes into class rank. I pulled me way into the top 10% based on those years, but that was all because I had so many weighted classes. Other than that, I guess I had good recommendations and a decent essay and test scores. But the only thing that people seeing that partial transcript see is what went into that class rank: shitty sophomore grades and then a rebound the next year.

I had to justify all of this to colleges last fall, and I don't know why I have to do it again. It's mostly for myself; I feel like my academic reputation dominates my persona and that if other people look at it badly, then part of me is ruined. It's very very shallow, shallow to an extreme, possibly about to evaporate from its sheer shallowness, but still...I can't help it.

Needless to say I just wrote an email to Dr. Hill expressing my desire for privacy. I swore that when I graduated, not only would I left my stupid insecurities about grades behind, but I'd also leave my issues with him behind as well. But that was before I found out about this. Well, after it's over I'm going to forget anything ever happened at all and like I was never one of his students or employees or anything like that. When I go back to visit Lowell it will be to see people that I liked, not that I hold grudges against.

Note to self: hold fewer grudges.

perjantai, kesäkuu 28
I'll settle for less

I was watching a 7th Heaven rerun at Meredith's house earlier. (I dislike that show. It bothers me.) Anyway, for this episode, the theme was 'rules'. Everyone seemed to be making rules for their own relationships. Quite a coincidence, really, considering that it's exactly what we were doing early Wednesday morning. In fact, I don't remember what they all were, but I'll be given a copy tomorrow so I know exactly how to play this game. Samples:
  • No breaking my self-imposed curfews by more than half an hour. When I say I'm going to be home by 11:30, I better damn well be there by midnight. None of this 2:30 business.
  • Speaking of business...none of that funny stuff until later.
  • We have to be able to hold mature, adult conversations.
And then there's several more. I'll remember when I get the list.

We did, however, do something different that evening that did not involve walking around. We went ice skating at Yerba Buena center, and I only fell down once! Of course, even though I had borrowed gloves especially for doing this, I managed to leave them in the pay locker so I went bare-handed and got a nasty scrape on my hand. Although I skated at snail-speed for pretty much the whole evening, it was better than Senior Skating night last year because there really aren't hundreds of people there on a summer night on a Wednesday, so there weren't as many to run into.

The next day, I went to work somewhat late since I had been out until 2 the previous night. It wasn't a terribly eventful day, though I was rather miffed that I had to close and then have all my work be reversed five minutes later due to the member's night at which I was not invited to work. ("Why the hell not?" Rodri asked me around 5:30. I shrugged. "You said it was full when I asked you the same question.") So the two other people that were closing with me, we all sat around and drooled while we stared at others eating forbidden pizza and whined and cried and got nothing. But Evan came to visit, yay! (He got a haircut.)

Later than night, I went to Meredith's and we sat around and watched Indiana Jones until the wee hours of the morning.

tiistai, kesäkuu 25
Show me show me show me how you...

Everyone at work is driving me crazy.

I started off the day with people observing that my name was spelt two different ways on my nametags. Yes, folks, it's a problem I have. My first buttom had my name spelled wrong and then every time I requested a new one, I got another 'Katherine' button that I couldn't use because someone thought I had forgotten how to write my own name. "Katharine with an A," this girl said. "Was your mother on drugs, by any chance?"

This is coming from someone whose real name is Cookie. And she continued to say stupid things the whole day. She told me several times how I should be doing my job as if she were the one who had been working there for three years and I was the new hire. And then later while I had to sit with her at the laser demo, which is bad enough with someone normal, but she made it unbearable. She tried to tell me a bible joke. Then people crowded around, I told them to stop clumping, and they stayed. I gave a demo by myself to some girl while Cookie talked to some other people and wouldn't give me the tools I needed, and finally after they got scared away by threats of a rampaging Luisa, she interrupted the second demo I was giving to someone who was obviously intelligent. I was talking about diffraction and how it related to wavelength, and then about how lasers work. "Aren't the colors of the rainbow pretty?" she burst out.

Yes. Anyway. No more. I'm sure my summer will be delightful.

So meanwhile, Luisa expects me to be Very Responsible all the time and doo her odd jobs simply because I've worked there a while. I'm always going over forms, copying things, etc. for her even though it's not in my job description and I don't get paid any more for it. I'm not trying to suck up; I'm leaving in three months and there's no way I'd get promoted to become a manager unless I were older. Yet I continue to do these things for her.

One of the tasks she had me do today was to copy a bunch of applications in the learning studio. Of course, that meant I had to deal with Evil Richard, the librarian there. He was sitting idly at his desk when I went in to use the machine. "Can you show me how to make 2-sided copies?" I asked politely.
"Teacher's Institute folks have priority at the machine," he snapped at me.
I looked around. "Well, they aren't there right now."
"Figure it out for yourself. Can't you see I'm busy?"
A minute later, when I was about half done with the copies, a guy from TI walks up behind me and starts waiting. So Evil Richard glares at me and tells me to use the office copier, which is broken, hence my going to the studio in the first place. "I just need to finish copying these forms for Luisa." I explained again.
"Go ahead," the TI guy told me.
"No, he has priority. Leave."
So I left. I hate being at the bottom of the stupid ladder and I can't go anywhere. I'm treated the same as all the other explainers just because I have a vest, but my own managers expect me to be better without giving me any incentive. I mean, yes, I want to do more, but I do want some sort of recognition other than the pins I've collected which Reth says show I'm the fucking highest-ranked on staff.

So later that day, I was doing another personal favor for Luisa by training a bunch of TI people on the cow's eye. I pulled out my hour-long version for that and it was actually rather enjoyable, except I was only paid for half since I can't go into overtime. Later, when I went to see Minority Report with Sarah and Meredith, the prospect of ever doing another eye dissection again seemed none too pleasurable. (It was a good movie otherwise. I recommend it but only to the strong of stomach.)

In other news, I saw Mr. Corkran. Yes, that man who could have ruined my science career in eighth grade was wandering around the museum today with some Aim High kids when I ran into him. "Kate, right?" he asked me. I nodded. He forgot what year I was. And then he mentioned that he was becoming an English teacher. I couldn't help but almost fall over laughing right there on the spot as he walked away. But if I had told him that I was considering become a geology major, he would have done the same, I'm sure. So I held in the laughs and the comments.

maanantai, kesäkuu 24
On hedgehogs and sawing

I've begun making a pendant now in my metalworking class. It's three layers, laminated together. The bottom is a circle of bronze and then a pentagon of copper and some brass leaves. It's partly inspired by the Gehn's crest design from Riven, but I left out most of the details and turned the pen nibs into leaves. I'm planning to set a stone in the center, but I need to find one that's both appropriate and inexpensive.

I need sensitivity training on how to be a good friend. I seem to have gotten the girlfriend thing right so far, but I'm constantly pissing off Meredith. This evening I think I was taking it a little too far, and at the time I knew it, which made me feel even more guilty later. It's just that we fight all the time about little things like movie locations and half the time I know that what I'm saying is bad, and I know it pushes her buttons. Anyway, I really do feel awful, if you're reading this Meredith, just to let you know. Your driving/navigating habits may piss me off, but it shouldn't be something that ruins our friendship.

I have major plans.

sunnuntai, kesäkuu 23

I give up on stupid back posting. The last week really has nothing special to write about, just a series of nights out late, my going to class and to work, etc. Honestly, you don't care, you really don't. I'm going to go back to posting daily, but I'm sure a lot of these will be short, depending on how late I get home.

Despite my lack of time at home, I'm actually a very happy person. I like spending time with people. And I don't dislike my coworkers so much anymore, really. The ones who I didn't like very much are not working this summer or have different schedules, and I like the new people as far as I can tell. I miss the people I used to work with, like Aaron and Chuck and Mary, but I doubt any of them will come back this year. Aaron might, but he'd work as a receptionist, not an explainer.


I was supposed to go see Minority Report tonight night with Dario, but he saw it with friends yesterday, so around 10 last night we decided to go on a walk instead. He took me to see Harry Street, which despite the name is not a street, but a staircase in Glen Park. We reminisced about our days of going to city day camps; we both went to a lot of the same ones, like Silvertree, Pine Lake, and various YMCA camps. The night was pretty chilly due to the nasty SF "summer" weather, but the fog seemed to be blowing away. When we tired of looking at the view from there, we went instead to find the Randall museum (another place where we had both been to camp.)

Well what can I say? There are too many hills that have twisted streets that run into themselves. So we wandered across multiple hills, each time asking each other if maybe that was the right one. But before we got there, we ran into Twin Peaks and since I had never been up there before, we decided to take another walk.

Karin says it's incredibly boring that we take walks all the time, but I'd hardly call this one boring. Just because we do things like they do in movies, namely look at views from San Francisco hills, doesn't mean that it's not worth it. There were very high winds on top of Twin Peaks such that when we got back in the car, we weren't just hot but also we couldn't feel our skin very well. Even though we had only been on top for ten minutes at the most, it was still a rather exhilarating experience, intense. We tried to contrive of a scene that would be more so, and the only thing we could do was add an attack and passionate love scene at the same time as one was on top of the hill. But that didn't happen to us. We just kept almost being blown over.

Afterwards, we went back to his house and...sat around for a while. Okay, fine, so we did more than just sit around, but since Karin is probably reading this I'll just mention that I had a nice time and did not go "bowling." Go figure. I just like spending time with Dario and he likes spending time with me and we're trying not to screw anything up. I didn't get home until rather late, past 4:30. So I slept until about 1:30, woke up, sat around and met people online, the usual. My parents gave me a copy of Stairway Walks in San Francisco so now I can find some new places to go at night, since we do visit an awful lot of hills.

keskiviikko, kesäkuu 19
You're rich, and I'm bitchin'

Okay, so now I have a real problem.

I have a life.

I know I've been asking for one for years, but now that I have one, I'd rather get a refund. It's taking up too much of my time! I'm enjoying it, of course, but due to my job and my class and having to go out all the time, I don't have much time to sleep or, for that matter, write anything down. On top of my life, my sister has been doing way too much with her friends and she keeps bringing them to my house, which is reason more for me to go out as much as possible.

So...let's see. Saturday I had work all day and then I went out to see The Bourne Identity that night with Dario. When we got to the theater, it was all sold out for the 8:00 show so we bought tickets instead for 9:45 or so. This gave us a few hours to waste, so we walked from Yerba Buena center to the Embarcadero, visited the Vailancourt fountain (I don't see why so many people think it's the ugliest thing in SF. I happen to like it.), went up the elevators in the Hyatt and tried to get to the restaurant on top, etc. Eventually we decided it would probably be time to go back to the theater (neither one of us had a watch) so we walked back alonh Market. In fact, it was a little early, and they wouldn't let us in; instead the guy told us to wait in this really long line out in the lobby. We were almost at the end! We ended up in the second row, but it was okay. Good movie; I'd recommend it if you're looking for a thriller. Afterwards, we went to feed his fish and then walked around at the top of Bernal Heights, looked at views, etc. Went back to his house when it got too cold, and he drove me home about an hour later.

On Monday the freak of nature that is Leci came over for dinner again. She really spends way too much time at our house. I hid out in my room for most of the evening talking on the phone to various people.

Tuesday I went out with Dario again. He picked me up at work and we walked around the wetlands at Chrissy Field then went out to dinner at this Vietnamese restaurant on Chestnut. I was pretty much out of money after that so we did...uh...cheap stuff.

Today I had an ob/gyn appointment. Not fun at all. When I came home, I found out that Karin had brought some more friends over, and that was not a good sign, so I called Meredith and went over to her house to watch movies.

And, um, last Thursday I went to a Pete Yorn concert. It was very fun, other than the fact that I had to ignore the squeals of my sister and Leci throughout the whole show. They have this way of squeaking "Pete Yorn!" that drives me crazy, and they do it all the time....just because they like the name.


keskiviikko, kesäkuu 12
I am sick of filing

Not filing paper, but filing metal. My metalworking class is interesting, but my idea of fun does not include filing a 3/8" steel rod on one end into a half-moon shape that I can use as a stamp to make a ring. It'll be pretty when it's done, and I'll have yet another jewelry item that turned me green, but the stamp-making isn't something I enjoy a lot. Maybe I'll work on larger pieces instead of jewelry, hm? At least, though, I got into the class. That is, I fudged my way in. After going through several bureaucratic offices to finally get my application processed, I got an illegal add sticker so I can take the class. That is, the substitute instructor let me in without knowing that I wasn't registered. Not that I knew that I couldn't add. Shhh.

It's hard to imagine a worse bureaucracy than Lowell or Berkeley, but it seems to exist in the form of City College of San Francisco. CCSF, please take a bow.

In other news: Go check out my new character.



I act like I'm 22.
This test was brought to you by Mel - mostly....

I practically have one foot in the grave.

tiistai, kesäkuu 11
Yesterday I woke up sucking a lemon

I was supposed to start my new work schedule today, but when I arrived I found myself face-to-face with all the morning explainers.

I do not like the morning explainers very much. They are all scary in a weirder-than-thou sense. Whenever I arrive, they look at me as if I'm some newbie they've never seen before who, by the way, is uncreative and can't dress very well and is probably just a high school student. (Not any more!) So instead of leaving and coming back at 1:30, I just left and decided to come back next week when my schedule starts. I went to the park next to the museum for a while and read while looking at odd swans and sitting on the planters below the dome, and after a while, I decided no more sunburning, so I left.

Later that day...

Since I still needed sheet solder and Andrea needed camping equipment, we both went downtown. I saw Joanna in the station. (It's very difficult to avoid one's former classmates. Not that I mind running into people, but twice in two days?) When Andrea's train arrived, we left the station and wandered up Market toward Civic Center, weaving our way through the throngs of homeless people. The art store I went to had the needlenose tweezers I needed, but no sheet solder. The army surplus store we went to next had lots of cool bags for cheap, but no pants that were good enough for Andrea's trip. We decided to go back another time, though, since it was an interesting store full of weird people and cheap stuff. I love cheap stuff.

sunnuntai, kesäkuu 9
Saturday sunday happy days

I went to Becca's graduation Saturday. This was a fun experience, other than the sunburn I got from being stupid and thinking I didn't need sunscreen since I wasn't facing the sun. No, see, the sun moves, and then I'm not protected anymore. The UHS grad speakers, with the exception of the Acting Head of School, were much better speakers than the ones we had. (Even though one of them was Becca's ex-fake friend.) All the former Burkies looked completely different and I would have only recognized about half. Emily W. because she always looks the same, and Becca and Hanna because I know them well and have seen them recently. Everyone else, probably not.

Today I got up early so I could go to See Alice Run's free concert in the park. The Slaptones and Phantom Planet were playing, but we really just went to see Phantom Planet since Becca and I decided last time we saw them that they're better live than recorded, and kind of cute too. We got good seats close to the stage, even though it was in the morning and even saw their soundcheck. However, even though I had said teary goodbyes to a lot of my high school friends at the last dance a few days ago, I saw a bunch of them at the concert. (Yvonne, Anh, Vivian, Melinda, Vanessa, Cathy, etc.)

The afternoon: my parents "festive" grad party. I told my mother not to say festive, but she kept saying it. I took away the sprawling shrine they had laid out on the table, but they replaced it and added more certificates, as if my relatives and friends cared that I won that many medals or received so many certificates. No, not really. The party was tame; I met Becca's odd cousin who stuck magnets to things and talked about how our neighbor's yard was overrun with succulents. I got graduation gifts. Lots of checks, a guidebook to LA, a multitool, a large package of tea, a Carl Sagan audiobook (his only book that I haven't read, even!), a comforter, and the best thing of all, a Medusa VI lamp. With all the money I received, I'm going to get a camera of my own. I've never had more than a disposable one, and I need to take pictures of my disgusting dorm to show everyone. Now I can sort of afford one before I go broke again this summer.

I'm still here!

Just really busy. I promise full accounts of all graduation-related events in the days to come, complete with back dates for your convenience.

lauantai, kesäkuu 8
Dance the night away

Aha...just came back from the last senior dance. This was just like any of the usual school dances: held in the courtyard with the usual non-so-good DJs. Except since it was only for my class and no guests, there was an unusually small number of people dancing. Plus it's late and even when it's almost 9pm, there's still sunlight. I'm a rotten dancer, so I hate dancing when people can see me. By the end of the evening, although Yvonne had given me step-by-step instructions on how to Not Dance Funny, I still couldn't do it. I look like a windmill or a piece of driftwood. Or maybe I just look like a dork.

Despite my inability to look cool, the dance was fun. I slow danced in a big group for lack of a partner. We swayed back and forth like seaweed, and it looked like it could be something out of The Little Mermaid (the movie). You know that scene in the boat that that prince dude? Yeah. Because people were dancing inside our circle.

At 10 the dance stopped. It was supposed to go until 11, but the neighbors complained. So we said our goodbyes early. That is, we stood around hugging everyone until around 11. It was like we'd never seen anyone again, which may be true for some people, but I knew I'd see a lot of them during the summer or online. Even so, I shed a few tears.

The rest of the evening I spent listening to horror stories about expired food while I ate garlic bread at Milano's with Meredith and Andrea.

perjantai, kesäkuu 7
Explanation of title

When Becca was over, she told me about this wilderness expedition she did as part of a school trip. It involved meditating in the desert naked and thinking about things she wanted to get off her mind. So as part of an effort to clense her conscience, when she returned she told people the truth about things that she may have lied about before.

So while we were parked outside Trader Joe's, she said to me: "Kate, I have to tell you something. Remember swim pants?* They weren't really popular on the East Coast two years ago. I made that up. In fact, I told someone from there that they were popular in California."

I laughed. I had actually believed one. I'll chalk it up to post-sophomore-year gullibility.

*Two years ago, when Becca had just started her Sweatshirt phase, she told me that people in New York wore pants in the water because it was so cold at the beach. I believed her. In fact, they were yoga pants that the cashier told her "could be whatever I wanted" so she wore them as not to get sunburned or show her "glow-in-the-dark transparent legs" to Ed the evil lifeguard after whom one of my minions is named.

torstai, kesäkuu 6
Swim pants aren't real

Well, I've finally done it. I dun grajuwaytidd, as Taursir would say.

At 7:30 am I arrived at Bill Graham Civic Auditorium. My mother dropped me off, drove half a block, and then yelled, "Toss me the hanger!" So I trotted off down the block, took the hanger out of my gown, and went to joint the throng of students waiting outside the doors. Eventually they allowed us inside so I could help a million people adjust their caps (they always look dumb, no matter what one does with the bobby pins.) I wandered around wondering why the teachers had different color hoods on their gowls, found people I knew, and finally worked my way into my reg line. They ran out of flowers for people to hold, but I seemed to be the only one sans carnation.

We marched in to the usual music, but we got it right this time. We sat on cue perfectly. Basically the only disappointing things during the ceremony were the student speeches: four in a row, filled with brilliant extended metaphors. I hate extended metaphors, and these ones clashed. Someone should have reviewed the speeches when put together, because it didn't sound very good. (Plus one person needed to practice reading not. too. slowly. and Toby needs to not say "Let's roll!" because it's Bushy.) Finally it was time for us to receive our diplomas. Giving out that many takes over an hour, I think, so we kept going...and going...and since my shoes had been hurting me, I took them off while I was sitting down, but I forgot to put them back on when we stood up. So now there is a brilliant picture of me being perfectly polite, shaking and taking wonderfully, and standing there in front of Mr. Cheng and a few thousand people...barefoot. Other than that, I wasn't paying attention when I walked across the stage, so I missed my name and my family shouting at me from their balcony seats. They claim they were, anyway. When it was time for me to get an academic achievement award for having over a 4.0 cumulative GPA (nothing special: I was up there with a record 83 other people this year) I left...and then came back up for a picture and made a fool of myself. Good fun.

Pist graduation: finding my way through the crowd again, saying bye to Mr. Shimmon, my dad telling me to look for someone in a red gown, getting flowers...going to lunch at the Fog City Diner. It's all blending together now. Finally, Becca and Meredith came over and we ate jelly beans and watched Bridget Jones' Diary, waited for Andrea to come, and then watched But I'm a Cheerleader (which I recommend; it's really funny.)

The end.

keskiviikko, kesäkuu 5
It's coming to a close

Monday was my last day at Lowell walking the hall. I picked up my prom pictures, then wandered the halls with Meredith, Melissa and Melissa's friend so we could work on their video project. Interviewed a lot of people. I really meant to stay so I could go to a "really fun Shield and Scroll party" in the afternoon, but it turned out to be mostly juniors and all lame, so instead I ended up at Stonestown again with M, A and Anh, wandering around looking for a pair of shorts that wasn't too bright or too short. Yes, Meredith was a woman with a mission. I had no money, having spent it all to buy some concert tickets (Pete Yorn, June 13 at the Warfield. Yay!) and I was tired from walking around all day, so I sat on a bench with Anh during a lot of this and looked at this picture of a Limited model who was wearing "the hot new Bohemian look" which looked neither hot nor bohemian and it made no sense.

Yesterday was our senior picnic which was fun in the sun (lots of sun, which I avoided as not to match my robe on graduation day) and lots of heat. It was at Warm Springs resort, which is in Sonoma somewhere a bit past Glen Ellen. They had a few small pools, a nice lawn with picnic tables, and a creek. Spent some time playing frisbee until the heat was too much, and then I lay in the shade signing yearbooks and talking to people. The problem was that the sun kept moving so the shade moved, and all these people came to where our stuff was. Later in the day, Erin was lying on the bench attached to the table where our stuff was and throwing up because she was so drunk. This caused several problems, not the least of which was M's shoes being stolen, something which she was still complaining about today. I was getting annoyed and I suppose it was insensitive of me to tell her to get over it because it was just a pair of old shoes which she had been planning to replace anyway, but then she said they had sentimental value and I objected and...well, I shouldn't get into it.

Today was the rehearsal for graduation. Everything seemed to go smoothly except my class has trouble sitting/standing on cue and together, and none of the reg teachers have practiced reading our names, so they mispronounced them or got out of order. Everyone except Axt, who takes roll daily out loud, but sounds like a robot all the same. After the rehearsal, I went with Meredith, Andrea and Julie to find the way to the restaurant, but we got there very early and ended up sitting in a park in Chinatown looking at disgusting little pigeons and signing yearbooks. (I don't like birds, but all my hatred goes out to pigeons. Flying rats. There's a flock in my tree. Ew.) When they let us into the room, I learned that award luncheons are really boring. All we did was get awards, watch lots and lots of old slides (too many of Marvel's pictures of her friends) and hear the results of the pop polls. Needless to say, I won nothing in those.

sunnuntai, kesäkuu 2
Evidently I have a death wish

Tonight I participated in an interesting little combat scene involving a bunch of dwarves and a troll, and for some reason Cat had it in her to try to trip the troll. Fortunately for Cat, Lou didn't try and make her into a sandwich or carry her off to his cave in the misties. But it was the first time I had ever tried to combat. Go me. (I was the only one unhurt, but my fighting was pathetic. Throwing pots and such.)

I'll never do that again. No sirree.

Yesterday I was supposed to go to Concord with Meredith to watch her fly, but that never happened because the winds were too high for flying, and it was too cold in SF to go bike riding to the beach, so we ended up watching videos at my house instead: The Net and Zoolander. The Net made me paranoid, since I'm a little geek like Sandra Bullock was in the movie. Although now the premises seem farfetched.

I'm really confused about what my position is at work. Dar and Luisa seem to respect me, and they want me to continue working there and like the trainings I give, but they never hire anyone who uses me as a reference. (Of course, a lot of people who do that never tell me, so I don't have anything prepared to say about them.) I can't figure out why this is. They both know that I'm not exactly a socialite among my colleagues, and that I really only converse with a few people, so I could do with some familiar faces. In fact, they tell me that personally. But then they never hire anyone who gives a hint that they know me. Is this some twisted revenge for being odd? Do they want to keep me isolated for my last semester?

I'll try not to think of this stuff. There is not a conspiracy against me. No. There is no such thing...

lauantai, kesäkuu 1
A survey that I just had to take

I got this from Leigh. By the way, check out my MU* character page.

1. What was the first MU* you ever joined?
Writers of D'ni MOO. (Damn you people for getting me into this.)
2.How long ago was that?
February 17, 1998
3. What was the name of your first MU* character?
4. Their sex?
5. Their species?
Well, if the D'ni can be described as human, then human.
6. Their personality?
Well, after I eventually settled into the personality that Kat has now, I'd say she could be described as absent-minded, a little neurotic...kind of like me. Most of my primary characters turn out that way, don't they?
7. Do you still have that character?
Yes, except the server's down indefinitely and I don't know if Q will ever get it back online, so...
8. If not, which of your current MU* characters have you had the longest?
9. Which of your characters - past or present - is your favourite?
Kat will always remain my favorite simply because she's been around so long, but I'd have to say that the most fun to play has been Thalurosh (Kat's grand-nephew, also on WoD)
10. Why?
Different from anyone else I had RPed before, and I liked the contrast between him and the rest of my concurrent characters. He was a very conflicted guy.
11. Which of your current characters do you RP the most?
Catran Cutbough on Elendor, because I log on there more than anywhere else.
12.Which MU* do you have the most characters on?
WoD, because I've been there the longest and I have access to a bunch of characters. At one point I had the passwords to seven PCs, but only two now.
13.Do you prefer MUDs, MUCKs, MUSHes, MOOs or something else?
Well, I can code MOO, so I do like it well enough, plus it's my home system. But it gets kind of nasty for coding, so I really prefer MUSH for roleplaying. There's less to get in the way and overall I find it to be more elegant.
14. Do you draw any of your characters yourself?
I drew a picture of Kat once, but I don't know where it is now.
15. If so, which character do you draw most often?
16. Which of your characters is most like you in real life?
Probably Leticia Florez, who I played on SolarMOO, because she was pretty young, had a similar personality to me, and also had a similar career. However, by necessity she was most like me since the environment was just a future version of now, rather than a fantasy universe.
17. How many MU*s do you currently have characters on?
I don't know. 6 or 7, only three of which I frequently visit.
18. Which MU* is your favourite?
Elendor, since WoD's dead or on its deathbed.
19. Why?
I'm really enjoying the RP there, and it's huge so there's a lot of opportunity to play almost anything I want to. The players take it seriously, but there's still fun OOC stuff.
20. Do you RP sex?
I haven't had the opportunity. My characters usually aren't...how shall I put this? Prone to being put in sexual situations. Kat was like 250 and a spinster, though she was dating Niymeh at one point a few years ago, despite her age and status.
21. Do you RP extreme violence?
I tend to be in cultures that don't encounter a lot of combat, or my profession avoids it, though now that I've got a Haradrim char on Elendor, I might be open to fighting more.
22. Do you prefer long or short poses?
Good heavens. What kind of question is this? I love long poses. I bask in their longness. My casual RP is usually only 5-6 lines/pose, without breaks, but if I'm being serious, I can really be long-winded. I remember back in the day, Do'V and I used to go out to lunch and we'd take up a screen per pose. Elli and Brandon would also get me doing long poses. Those were the days...
23. Do you prefer long or short descs?
See above. I always went heavy on my descs when I wrote my first age on WoD, taking over a screen just to talk about, say, a niche behind a rock, but I don't do that anymore. I also liked really long player histories, in the range of 70 pages, but that was only once. I swear.
24. Do you have more male or female characters?
I start off as female but if i ever get an alt it's a male, generally. I like playing males, but females are easier to RP simply because I know all the gestures, being a girlie myself.
25. Do you find it harder to play characters of the opposite sex?
Not harder to play someone of the opposite sex, just easier to play a good female role well.
26. Do you prefer to plan your characters in full detail before you start RPing them or let them develop naturally?
Natural development, which leads to corrections in my written persona or history.
27. Do you ever get characters on a whim and then never RP with them?
Yes. Story of my life. People ask me why I have characters at places like Star Conquest (now defunct) and, god forbid, Harper's Tale, and it was really just to appease a friend. (I hate Pern. Ick.)
28. Do you log RP?
If I suspect it'll be good or important, yes, but I don't do much important stuff anymore. I often find myself regretting not having logged some event, like the stabbing in the Pony that happened last week. Having a log would have been nice.
29. If so, do you sometimes go back and read them later?
Once in a while. I don't like to look at my own poses more than once, because they tend to not make sense when being proofread. Kind of like everything I write.
30. Finally, how many MU* characters do you currently have in total?
Non-RP roles (wizzen):
Catran Cutbough, Lamat @Elendor
Ka'tran, Thalurosh @WoD
Leticia Florez @Solar
Tamar Magarian @TXF Muck
Felixia Sharpley @GWSE
...still waiting for my application on BayMOO to go through. Maybe I should re-request. I don't know why they wouldn't let me have a character, since I'm perfectly well-versed in my San Francisco information and I'm not excessively twinkish.