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Wade Grimshaw- Janitor for Magicorp
Hogwarts MOO [connect]

Wade is my lesser-used adult character on Hogwarts. He lives in London and is a bit of a shady guy.


The man you see is young—probably in his mid-twenties.  His face still shows signs of youth, and he keeps it close-shaven. This is, however, about the only well-maintained part of this man’s appearance. His clothes and skin are perpetually dirty, covered with a thin layer of dust and grim from a day’s work, and hair always scruffy, uncombed, and a little too long to do much with. Besides that, the man is quite handsome—muscled, but not overly-so, a square jaw, wide smile, and dark eyes. 

He wears a simple set of work-clothes: dark pants, blue, partially open-collared shirt, and a set of suspenders. One of the straps’ fasteners has broken loose, and so it is pinned to his pants. The man wears no jewelry or decorations of any kind, except for the ever-present grey hue of dust.


Richard Wade Grimshaw was born to a family of wizards, certainly not a great family of any kind. His parents, Blake and Mary, were far too fertile for their own good and have managed to eke out a living for some years on the income of a shoemaker while his wife tried her hardest to both manage the household and her health. (She had an unusual malady that doctors never could quite name, but occasionally would “act up” as she called it, rendering her helpless to do anything but lie in bed and order others around.) 

Richard  was the last of some nine children, the eldest of whom had a wife of his own when Wade was but a babe. (He was called Wade due to a error; at the time of his birth, his mother forgot that her second son was already blessed with the name of Richard.) Mary swore that this would be her last child. And though she swore that every time, this time it worked. Secretly she called him her relief, and he was her favorite of the younger children. Unable to attend a school and learn magic of any kind, the boy went to a normal grammar school. Most of the time he was too busy playing with other boys, roughing it up, to care much about school. At the earliest age when he could quit, he did, and lived for a few years with his aging parents. 

Finally Wade was aged 23 years, living at home and idle. When there was a job opening at the newly-founded MagiCorp for a janitor, his mother pleaded with him until he agreed to ask for it. (For good measure, her condition set in for a week and ‘magically’ disappeared when her son conceded to her will.) And so the man takes his first steps into the world, a little late, but still a step further than he was before. 

Note: Though he is of fully magic blood and has not gone to wizarding school, Wade is not a Squib. He has, on occasion, shown his magic abilities, but it took some years for these to show, when Wade was in his mid-teens, long after his parents believed there was no hope left for him. He has no wand for that reason.


Known more for his sullen moods than anything else, Wade Grimshaw is the type of young man who resents what he does. Occasionally his temper flares up, but this occurrence has become rarer in his time working at MagiCorp. Still, he is not a dull man, and quite intelligent, at least when he sets his mind to it.