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Thalurosh- Citizen of the Lower Districts, slightly mad
Writers of D'ni MOO [connect]

At one point I decided to stop playing Ka'tran for a little bit. I'm not sure why, but it may have had something to do with my annoyance with the character at the time. So I switched to Thalurosh, a character whose name Lumen was keep on poking fun at. He's fun to play, so I keep him around as an NPC. I'm not sure how he's related to New Kat.


Thalurosh is a young man of approximately 60 hahrtee. He is of a light build and medium height, about five feet, ten inches tall, with long limbs in proportion to his height. Although pale, he has dark hair and features. His scruffy, shoulder-length dark brown hair is partially tied back, but the rest is left hiding his hollow, weather-beaten, yet clean-shaven face. Above Thalurosh's left eyebrow is a large scar shaped like a triangle left over from a past fight. He posseses a small pair of wire-rimmed spectacles which hardly conceal his large brown eyes. The man you see is surprisingly quiet and well-mannered for someone who looks like he lives on the street.
           Thalurosh wears a tunic of a roughly-woven dark grey fabric which hangs down to his mid-calf and is tied around his waist with a ravelling piece of of dirty rope, probably a stolen remnant from down by the docks. A cloth binds one of his feet, which both are slipped into backless leather sandals which have been painted with an intricate beehive pattern which surrounds a scene from a lonely desert. Around his neck and fingers he bears many silver-coloured necklaces and rings, set with unpolishedstones for the most part, with the exception of his longest necklace, upon which is hanging a rhombus-cut clear slab crystal.


Ilyafan, Thalurosh's father, was the son of a well-to-do guildmaster of the Engineers. He married a young woman, Galenah, and they lived happily for some years, spending most of their time in a private age of Ilyafan. After a while, they decided to have a child, and he was born in the age of Duniya. Unfortunately, there were complications during his birth, and Galenah developed an infection which caused her to be bed-ridden. Although after a month or so, she could move around the habitation she and her husband had set up in the age, sensitivity to the elements prevented her from going outside. She became very depressed because of her confined situation, but Ilyafan spent as much time with her as possible. However, one day, she was very distraught. When her husband came back from tending their child, he found her gone. After searching for her, he found her body at the bottom of one of the island's rocky cliffs.
              Ilyafan spent some time in mourning, but he still had to raise Thalurosh. At this point, he decided not to return to D'ni for an extended period of time, and so he raised his son to live off the age. Ilyafan valued nature, andhis way of demonstrating this was through writing and art. Years passed, and Thalurosh grew not by joining a guild, but by what his father taught him about poetry and drawing. This secluded life, however, was not meant to last so long, yet his father refused to return to D'ni to live with his family. Thalurosh recognised from stories he had read that his father was suffering. He discovered a locked room in the house that was kept as a shrine to his mother, one that Ilyafan visited daily. When he was near seventeen years, his father's ability to live started to decline. He could no longer hold a normal conversation or lesson, but would go off on inexplicable tangents. Occasionally he would disappear for a few days at a time, and when he would return, he expected for Galenah to be there to welcome him back. His delusions worsened, becoming paranoid. Ultimately he met the same fate as his beloved wife, leaving the young Thalurosh to fend for himself.
             The young man left Duniya for D'ni to find his extended family. He knew that his mother's aunt, Ka'tran, had been a Grandmaster, and he hoped to be able to live with her, or at least find some sort of arrangement to find another branch of his family. Ka'tran allowed him to live in her house, although she was often busy with guild work and therefore absent. He spent the days by the lake, whcih was reminiscent of his ocean. Normally he wandered by himself, or talked to fishermen.


Thalurosh is a soft-spoken man, yet his quiet manner does not hide his sociability. He is prone to interrupting and following up on obscure, seemingly meaningless questions or comments. His behaviour and style of speaking are eccentric, yet posess a poetic quality about them.
            Thalurosh stays mainly in the lower districts, where he converses with passerbys and fishermen. His favorite place, however, is the library, where he does not so much enjoy travelling ages, but reading boks of commentary and books of poetry and prose.