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Other Elendor characters and miscellaneous logs
Elendor MUSH [connect]

Brenin- Dwarven jewelsmith of the Blue Mountains

Also used the name during Last Days of Balin flashback TP


You see a dwarf slightly over 4 feet taller, an old dwarf, at that. Only a few hairs in his beard still have color; the rest are grey with age. His hair and beard are kept neatly braided, plaited so that they don’t get in the way of his work, presumably. Hazel eyes, probably the most colored of his features, peek out from the wrinkled, raisin-like face. They hold some warmth, maybe a twinkle or gleam like light on freshly-polished bronze. 

He wears a long-sleeved tunic which goes to mid-thigh. Pants cover the rest of his legs, and both of these are held up with a leather belt with some impressions on it, and a gleaming bronze buckle. Never seen without this buckle, it seems to be a thing of pride to be kept shining, no matter how dirty and covered with the grime of work the rest of this clothes are. Several pockets hang from his belt, causing it to sag.


Brenin was born more than two centuries ago as a son to Blenin, then a miner in the Blue Mountains, and his wife Grinda. Due to a slight birth defect, this dwarf has had a weak right foot his whole life, and walks with a limp. So, unfit for much action, Brenin was apprenticed to a jeweller, and he has been working in that trade for his whole life. Earlier in his life, Brenin had a son, Grenin, but he was killed while fighting in the Battle of Five Armies.


Flashback: Last Days of Balin II
The Second Session of the Last Days of Balin FB. The Dwarves find Mithril and Mithril Mail.

Flashback: Last Days of Balin III
The Third Session of the Last Days of Balin FB. The Death of Balin.

Sorrel Cotton- Shire hobbit maid


You see a mid-thirties hobbit short even among her own kind, with a healthy build, maybe even fat. In fact, everything about this woman is a bit chubby, from her thick fingers that look like carrots to her button nose to her wide brown ringlets tied back with a ragged pink ribbon. The pink matches the woman’s blushed cheeks, and may be an attempt to match the faded pink apron over her long grey linen skirt. Other than the ribbon, this woman is unadorned, bearing no jewelry.


‘Twas a merry Yule indeed for Snowbell and Etmich Cotton when their first child was born that afternoon of 1391. For a few short years Sorrel enjoyed being the center of their attention, what little time they had to spend on her. Then the babies started popping out like weeds in a field-- two, three, four one after another-- until finally there were seven in total in the small rooms in Bywater that they called home.

Sorrel being five years older than the next in line, she was expected to care for the youngins at a very early age. Partially she resented this, but she took this responsibility as part of her life. She became something of a commando in the household, keeping the siblings in line in an attempt to please her mother and earn a bit of praise.

Now the eldest child has come of age, and her younger siblings need no one to watch over them. Yet Sorrel, until she finds a husband, stays home and continues to care for her family, whether they like it or not.

Snarlagh- Snaga she-orc of Isengard


This small she-orc sits close to the ground on bowed legs. Her feet are largish and have black hairs coming from the maggot-like toes on her leathery feet. Her skin overall is none too pretty, in some places scabbed, in others calloused, but all a shade of grey closer to black than white. The only thing that covers her is what looks like it might be a shirt-- if it had fewer holes. Maybe it was once a real garment, but now the shreds barely hang from ratty threads over her hunched body. 

On the snaga's face is a gap-toothed grin--or is it a sneer? It's a bit hard to tell with this one, but whatever it is, it's full of sharp, age-stained fangs, bits of food, and hanging strings of drool. It's also a little crooked, as if her jaw is half dislocated. Beady eyes peek out from the sockets. Some more stringy black hair comes from her scalp, and it hangs down, with some clumps missing. 

There's a stench about this one like rancid meat or pools of sweat, or maybe some awful combination of the two. The stink surrounds the poor creature so that even the least sensitive of noses can smell her from several feet away.

Treebeard- Eldest

I played Treebeard the Ent in the Helm's Deep flash-forward TP. Once introduced to entage, I decided that I would have to try it more so I've been begging the Finest admins to let me do that ever since.


You see a figure akin to the trees of this forest, only in many ways not. Standing over fourteen feet tall, with a long head and almost no neck, the creature before you has a strange hide-or perhaps clothing-resembling green and grey bark, except on his arms, which are covered is a blemish-free, smooth brown skin. At his base are two large feet with seven root-like toes each, and moving upward one catches a glimpse of the long beard, starting with knobby roots and ending in tufty moss. And somewhere upon the face are two eyes of deep brown, revealing the creature's true nature-not a tree but one of the free people of Middle-Earth.


Helm's Deep FF logs

Jed Pitdigger- Sneaky guy

Jed was a tempalt I had for about a week during a TP with the Beornings. I've lost his description but I do have his history still.


Jed Pitdigger hails from a small family on the outskirts of Bree Proper known mostly for his father Ollie’s duty of digging graves when the time comes. The rest of the year he has the less grim occupation of potter. However, some still fear the Pitdigger house because of the connotation the name brings up when mentioned. Some can’t help but shiver. 

Ollie married one one of the Fernys, Lara, but otherwise did not associate with his wife’s family. However, Lara taught her children, including her middle son Jed, to love her kin. So Jed often played with his cousins and they were his best friends. He never associated with other youth as often as with his brothers and cousins, and gained a reputation as a mysterious man. Through his life of 35 years he’s had many jobs, but has stayed with none for long. As of now he’s an assistant to the town butcher by day, a loner most of the time by night. It’s not that he has a bad image, it’s just that no one but his family knows him well enough to judge him otherwise.

Fred, Booger- Trolls of the Great East Road

Encounter with Ranger Horde, part 1

Second encounter with Ranger Horde