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Edan Nettlebrush- Barber and Councilman of Bree
Elendor MUSH [connect]

After giving up Catran, I started playing Edan, the town barber. He was a rather chatty guy, prone to bouts of rambling, and he thought he was quite popular. (He was indeed rather likeable. I can't think of anyone that I pissed off with this character.) I eventually had to go travelling and so I meant to tempalt but ended up putting Edan on the back burner for a while. He ended up dying, killed by Saevern in the town hall fire. Played June through November 2002 with a few tempalt occasions between then and February of the next year.


Edan Nettlebrush is neither tall nor short, neither slim nor fat. But can this man of about 30 years really be described as average? No, Edan embodies most people’s definition of handsome, with his shiny, perfectly combed and parted, dark chestnut hair, tanned skin, and hazel eyes. He is clean-shaven, but it looks as though he has a day’s worth of stubble on his square chin. That smile, too, is full of straight rows of dazzling white teeth.

The man wears a tan tunic which hangs about halfway down his thighs, darker pants of the same color, and a leather belt with a rounded, silvery buckle that has tiny engravings around the outside. (“Got it off a travelling dwarf,” he would boast.) The boots are the same shiny leather as the belt; obviously they are a matching set. Strangely enough, the man’s only jewelry -- a necklace with a green stone -- seems to match the belt buckle. Just how much time does Edan spend getting dressed and grooming every day?


When the brilliant librarian Grindle Nettlebrush and the beautiful, quick-witted Rosalie Whitethorne Nettlebrush had their first son, Edan, they swore their precious baby would also be their last. “We wouldn’t want anyone to steal the attention from our little turnip,” they claimed. Edan’s years as the only child in the Bree cottage were filled with his parents abundant love and affection. Neighbors and relatives were a constant presence in the house, claiming he was the cutest baby they had ever seen in all their years. And with parents like that, what a smart kid he would be!

Much to everyone’s dismay, Edan had been standing behind the door when the brains were handed out. He never spoke until he was almost three years old, and once he started, no one could stop him from talking. Mostly he dealt in gossip and small-talk, but he could be known to speak strongly once in a while. Intelligence wasn’t what young Edan was known for, but rather his dashing good looks. By the time he was but a teenager, he already had a following of girls who would shriek and croon his name behind his back, he remained oblivious to this for a while, but eventally realized that he was the local heartthrob of his generation and quickly became quite vain.

Eventually Edan left his home and delighted his parents when he opened a successful barbershop in Bree Proper. He earned the nickname “Quick-Clip Eddie” because of his deftness with the scissors. Edan continues to cut hair five years after the shop’s opening, and he’s even learned to cut women’s hair as well as men’s.

Edan’s success with his business, however, has not earned him immunity from the town gossip circles. Women cluck their tongues when his name is mentioned. “Tsk. It’s such a shame he hasn’t found a girl and married yet” is one common concern. And it’s unlikely that one of Bree’s most eligible bachelors will settle down anytime soon. He continues to frequent the bar of the Pony late at night, to flaunt his appearance, and to pass along the latest scandalous news, even though he has become something of a scandal himself.

When Crispin Leafturner became head of the Bree Towne Council, he appointed Edan to be one of representatives for local commerce. What’ll happen to the town when this man has so much power? Only time will tell.


Edan is charming, friendly and talkative, but there’s no real intelligence behind that pretty face. In fact, the man is actually quite clueless.

Logs (summaries from Elendor site)

Slinging in the Rain
Rangers leave Bree in terrible weather; Randel tries to sell them some bread, and (OOCLY) everyone tries to describe their eye colours creatively.

Whatever to do about Wargs?
HoTC Leafturner calls an emergency meeting about the Warg Issue. Debates ensue.

Found at last!
A missing sketchbook *finally* turns up.

Let it snow!
On a cold winter's day, the Breefolk come together to celebrate. Festivities follow.

St. Nick
Some Breefolk go to the Barber Shoppe for a spring shave.

Manfred takes Malorie out thieving -- despite her position as a Breeguard.

Help from the Towne Council Head
Some unexpected help in finding several stolen items is offered by the Towne Council head of Bree...

A hot time on the old town tonight
The Town Hall burns.