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Catran Cutbough- Waitress at the Inn of the Prancing Pony
Elendor MUSH [connect]

This was my first character on Elendor. I ended up extremely frustrated with her RP and so I dropped the character after about 3 months of playing her. March-May 2002. She has made two cameos since then, once selling rangers a bunch of stale ale and the other time in Archet. I believe she moved back to Archet two years after quitting her job at the Pony. (Resigned due to spilling ale all over Gerthan. How embarrassing.)


Catran Cutbough is a woman of average height, about 5’4”, with broad shoulders and an overall strong, but not stocky build. Her muddy brown hair wraps around her head in two coiled braids, tied with green, her signature color. Her face shows no signs of age, but is otherwise plain and unremarkable, a pale countenance with hazel eyes, a few freckles, and a mole just beside the right ear. She wears a long grey skirt, mud-caked boots, and a green shawl. Her only jewelry is a light silver chain hung twice around her neck, and a thin silver ring around her left thumb.


Catran Cutbough was born as the middle child of three to a family that lived in the forest outside Archet. As far back as they could trace their heritage, her parents, Aldar Cutbough and Frenda Rushlight were natives of the area, and proud of it. Aldar made his living as a lumberjack and was often absent logging trips. He would return to delight the children with tales of his adventures – some true, some stretched --  telling of close shaves with trolls, glimpses of wandering elves, and other experiences alien but nonetheless mysterious and intriguing to the locals.

Although she loved her father dearly, Catran did not approve of his chosen profession. Instead, she inherited his love for the forest and spent a great deal of time there during her childhood. She was not smart, like her bookworm older brother, and never learned to read. Nor was she a talented builder like her younger sister. Catran’s one skill was in observing and listening, and by being naturally quiet, she had time to hone in on this skill.

At the age of 20, the young woman left Archet and came to Bree Proper, where she has resided for the three years, working as a waitress and doing other odd jobs at the Prancing Pony. Sometimes she goes to visit her parents, and they urge her to start a family of her own, but as of yet, that has not happened.

Logs (summaries from Elendor website)

Huge Trip: Back in Bree and Seeing an Old Friend
The dwarves are back in Bree, and Flarin and Krain meet up with an old hobbit friend.

Huge Trip: Back in Bree and Seeing an Old Friend
The dwarves are back in Bree, and Flarin and Krain meet up with an old hobbit friend.

No use crying over spilt ale
On a hot afternoon in Bree, some Shire hobbits witness a messy incident.

Huge Trip: Lou Appears in Bree Again
Just outside of Bree, the dwarf caravan is surprised as Lou the Troll comes in their midsts, evidently not satisfied with just destroying Bree's South Gate.

Stale ale?
Rangers...talking? And asking for the cheapest beer the Pony can offer? There must be strange forces at work...