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Bertha- Big Bad Bertha, troll of the Yfelwyd
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Bertha is a troll of the Trollshaws (the place where Bilbo and co. encountered trolls in The Hobbit). She's fun to play but doesn't have very good stats and doesn't have a weapon, so occasionally difficult to fight with.


Stone? Bush? The exact identity of this creature could be mistaken, but only for a few short seconds until getting a good glance at it, and then its decidedly trollish features are revealed, from its immense, boulder-colored and shaped head to its potato toes, from its hands big enough to crush bones to its enormous, fat (and probably hungry) belly. From the greyish hide of the monster hang several crude attempts at clothing: a loincloth assembled from old garments stolen from hapless travellers and a sort of animal skin cape tied on with rope, along with some enormous boots, split at the ends to reveal half-feet. 

There’s something about this one that sets it apart from many of the other trolls of the Shaws, something softer in its face. But none of this is as obvious as its other characteristics, the strongest of which is the troll’s overwhelming stench of rotten food, bits of which cling under its gnarled nails and hang from the corner of its mouth.


In Bree, most children are familiar with a tale about goats crossing a bridge and becoming the meal for the hungry beast that lived beneath. Though most said this was only a child’s story, it is possible that it was based in reality, told by some lucky traveller who made it past the bridge alive.

Trolls, though long-lived, do not have the memory of other creatures. Bertha is no different. For as long as she can remember, her existence has consisted of lurking in the caves near the Great East Road in the aptly-named Trollshaws, snatching travellers and stealing whatever shiny things they have.

Long-forgotten are Bertha’s origins, but still, some memory relics survive, even if they are but subconscious. Bertha once was a troll of Moria, kept as a sort of pet, but more cruelly treated. She was kept in a room entirely too small for such a beast, and sometimes orcs were thrown to her. She knew not what to do with them, but kept them alive as amusement, until she became hungry.

One night, she was taken outside the caves, and she broke away from her chains and ran, leaving a trail of broken branches and bushes, overturned rocks and logs behind her. Seeking food, she followed a wild sheep down the mountainside and eventually, into a dark forest, the forest that would become her home during the countless years that followed.

Logs (summaries from Elendor site)

Spiders and Trolls
Three dear creatures all have the same idea -- Each other for dinner.

A fight on the way back

Dinner Guests
A verbal exchange between Fealos and a handful of creatures of the ugly and hungry variety-- while Tolion and Rosgwaen hide in the shrubbery nearby-- almost turns ill, but ends with the Quendi and Adan managing to avoid becoming the trolls' "dinner guests." (Log begins around the time of Rosgwaen's entrance.)

Attack on the High Moors
Two trolls and their horde of friends from Goblin Town chase away a group of elves prospecting for mithril.

Visitors at Goblin Town
An orc and a troll knock at the porch of Goblin Town. What's that silvery ore they have...??