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Maria Angela Torreano-Rodriguez- Scattergood student
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Angela is a girl of medium height and weight, with a round face, olive skin, and dark eyes. One eye sometimes seems to be a little more closed that the other, but that’s only when you look closely. Her skin doesn’t freckle, but she does have a birth mark of sorts under her left nostril, just a mole. Her nose is short and rounded at the end. She wears her shoulder-length black hair in two thick braids, and sometimes they are wrapped on top of her head. In her hair, she wears plastic clips which have the day of the week and a little pink cherub. She has small gold hoop-earrings and a gold necklace with a cross at the end.


Maria Angela, known usually as Angela, was born in Denver, CO in 1981, to parents Olivia and Fernando Rodriguez. Her mother was a witch and a nanny to a wizard family there, and her father was a Muggle contractor. They were quite middle-class and exceedingly normal. For some reason, Fernando was oblivious to the fact that his wife practiced magic. Either that, or it just didn’t bother him. When it came time for Angela to go to sixth grade, he asked whether she should register in their district, and Olivia said no. Angela had, at that point, given her brother Miguel’s gerbil feathery wings in an attempt to make the poor thing seem better. She was convinced that it was too fat; its Sin was gluttony. 

Angela had always seemed very popular to her parents. By fifth grade, she seemed to be friends with her entire class, or at least was able to get invitations to everyone’s birthday party except for that of the girl who was born on February 29 and didn’t have a party that year. (The reasons for her ‘popularity’ probably had more to do with the fuss she’d raise or social blackmail she’d pull if she weren’t invited.) Her friends were slightly disappointed that she was ‘moving to the suburbs’ but mostly because they’d lose their source of information. 

During her first two years at Scattergood, the girl became best friends, of a sort, with her roommate Adenine Dunsmuir. (They were, of course, friends by default. The garrulous Angela needed someone who would put up with her, and she sort of pitied Adenine. Most of the time Angela avoided her slightly nerdy roommate and spent time with more hyperactive children, at least while they tolerated her presence.) She tried very hard in her classes and earned good grades in nearly everything except music, being exceedingly bad at playing the flute to the point at which her still-living older roommate complained of bleeding eardrums and threatened to turn her flute irreversably into a centipede, something which caught Angela’s attention because, well, she doesn’t like creepy-crawly things. 

Fortunately she hasn’t met her former roommate’s ghost yet, but she’s still randomly accusing students of being murderers.


There are few things more frightening than Angela Rodriguez when she gets something into her head. Obsessive doesn’t begin to describe the girl. Neither does imaginative or melodramatic. Take the death of her roommate, for instance: for a month after her reported death in the newspaper, the girl would point her finger at a different person every day, making up wild reasons as to their motives and methods. She will turn any slight idea into something dramatic. She feeds on social situations, especially gossip, and is quick to polarize her position on even the most minor occurrence. 

She has had a fascination with angels since she was very young because of her name. Her father used to call her his ‘little angel’, and nearly everything has to do with them. (Incidentally, this includes her flute-playing, which is anything but heavenly.) 

She really, really wants everyone around her to be happy. Maybe this will get her into Heaven. Unfortunately, her efforts usually have the opposite of the intended effect. 

Scientists would be delighted to study Angela, because for whatever reason, she appears to violate the law of Conservation of Energy. Despite eating only a reasonable amount, she seems to have an endless supply of energy, be it positive or just hyperactive.